Our home offers an extensive list of services to our clients. We strive to match the specific needs of our residents to the services that we have. At the beginning of our assistance, we perform a consultation with your loved ones’ primary Physician. Then, we sit with you and your loved one to learn and construct a fitting care plan. This care plan will be continuously updated to the evolving health needs of your loved one.
Below are some of the services that we offer:
- Dementia & mental health services
- Complete health monitoring
- Quarterly Health Report
- Live music therapy
- Regular in-home beautician
- Home Physician
- Accompanied walks in the nearby parks
- Local pharmacy available with free delivery service
- Sunday services
- Hospice services
We keep the families of our residents informed of the development of your loved one’s condition. No changes will be made without your consent. To know the full list of our services, please give us a call at 209-869-0248.